WordPress Premium Content Plugin

Simple WordPress plugin that adds the ability to selectively mark posts as "Premium Content" and restrict content viewing to users with Premium Content permissions.

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WordPress Premium Content Plugin

The goal of the Premium Content Plugin was to provide a minimalistic way of controlling access to content that is meant to be kept private/restricted and limited to those who the author wants to share it with.

It is NOT an extensive content control plugin, such as one allowing for subscription services, etc. There's already some of those out there.

This is just a simple one allowing an individual to control access to their WordPress website. It also integrates with the Blubrry PowerPress podcasting plugin.

Accessing Plugin Settings

There's a couple of places this plugin allows you to configure/use it, so I figured I'd be kind enough to tell you where those are so there's no "hidden" or "surprise" places down the road.

Settings Page

The primary settings page is under the Users > Premium Content menu:

Details on the settings can be found in the Help tab in the upper-right corner. User Settings

Under "Edit User" or "Edit Your Profile", you will see a new option called Premium Content Access:

This option will appear IF the user has the capability (depending on the value of Required Capability option) to edit this value.

NOTE: If the checkbox is greyed out and you cannot change the value, it's because the user's Role(s) are assigned the premium_content capability and this value has no effect.
If you wish to unassign this permission to the user, go to the Roles section in the plugin options and remove the premium_content from the user's role(s).

Post/Page Publish Box

In the Publish Box, there will be a new option named Premium Content (of course, depending on the user's capacity) that will assign the content the Premium Content status.